国内アパレル唯一と自負する品質保証サービスは、素材と創り・品質に自信を持つ 自社工場生産だからこそ出来る期限無しの独自保証サービスです! “Because we want our customers to love and enjoy our products for years and years to come, we provide the best and only quality guarantee service in the industry which is made possible due to the fact that all our products are manufactured in our in-house factory.” Our quality guarantee service which we proudly believe the best in the domestic apparel industry is also the only one available which has no expiration date. This unique service is made possible only because all our products are manufactured in our own factory with our whole-hearted trust in the materials, workmanship and quality. |
紛失してしまったボタンや装飾品・ボタン用縫製糸などのパーツを無料にて送付いたします。 ホームページ窓口および電話・メールにてお気軽にお申し付け下さい。 ※発送にはメール便等を使用致しますので、到着まで数日頂くことが御座います。 1.Material Support: If you lose a button or ornament, we will send you free of charge replacement parts along with sewing threads. Please feel free to ask for them via our website or email. -It may take several days before delivery depending on the courier service we choose. -This service is currently only available in Japan. |
御購入頂きましたデラックスウエア製品に対しフルサポート致します。紛失してしまったボタンや破損した装飾品の交換取付け、初期及び着用における縫製の解れや糸切れなど修理させて頂きます。 ホームページ窓口および電話・メールにてお気軽にお申し付け下さい。 ※弊社へ郵送して頂く際の送料のみ御負担下さい。修理代、パーツ代、返送代は無料です。 ※生地(破れや穴、目減り)に対する品質保証では御座いません。 ※縫製修理箇所により、作業及び仕上りを御相談させて頂く事が御座います。 2.Technical Support: We offer you a full support for the DELUXEWARE product you purchased. We will replace a missing button or a damaged ornament for you and also repair frayed spots or broken threads caused in the early stages or after a long years of wear. Please feel free to ask for the service via our website or email. -This is not to guarantee the quality of the fabric which may have developed tears, holes or lost weight. -We may consult with you about the work process and finish depending on the spots to be repaired. -You are only to pay the shipping fee for the article you are sending us. Repair, replacement parts and return shipping are free of charge. -This service is currently only available in Japan. |
デラックスウエア製デニム使用商品に関しリペアを承ります。 附属や縫製に関してはもちろん、生地穴に関してもお気軽に御相談下さい。 ※附属パーツ以外のリペアは有料となり、御見積もりのうえ作業進行致します。 ※弊社へ送付して頂く際の送料を御負担下さい。作業後の返送代は無料です。 3.Repair Service: We will be pleased to repair any item that uses DELUXEWARE's denim materials. Please feel free to ask us about not only attachment parts and sewing but also holes in the fabric. -Repair service other than for attachment parts is not free. We will give you an estimate before proceeding with the repair work. -You are only to pay the shipping fee for the article you are sending us. Return shipping for the finished article is free. -This service is currently only available in Japan. |
物品サポート及び技術サポート内には収まらない事項のサポート。 方法を問わずに修理したい、出来る限りの方法で修理したいという方は下記注意点を御確認のうえ御相談下さい。 ●注意点●弊社への送付代を御負担下さい。なお、商品状況・修理箇所により修理代を御負担頂く場合が御座います。 4.Other Support: The kind of support that fits into neither material nor technical support category. If you have some item you want to be repaired using whatever means available or in as best way as humanly possible, please first read the following notice before contacting us. Notice: please bear the shipping fee when you send the article to us. Please note that we may charge you the repair cost depending on the conditions of the article and/or parts to be repaired. -This service is currently only available in Japan. |
Copyrights(C) DELUXEWARE&CO Allrights Reserved |